Visual Arts Instruction
"Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses - especially learn how to see. Realize that everything is connected to everything else." -- Leonardo Da Vinci
The Importance of Arts Education in the Classroom
The Visual and Performing Arts bring a wide range of benefits into our communities. The Arts can revitalize communities, as well as encourage social communication, interaction, cooperation and tolerance across a diversely varied population. High arts engagement among students can boost academic performance, increase their chances for success after school, and make them more likely to be actively engaged with their communities through voting and volunteerism. The Arts are a major force driving the economy and the workforce into our future. Access to the Arts (via both creating, or attending) translates into health benefits for the community, with reduced rates in obesity, and other major benefits that impact quality of life for the older residents ranging from better mobility, lower rates of hypertension, and higher cognitive function. Studies even show correlations between the Arts and reduced crime rates.
Visual Arts
2023-24 Art Class Fee $40
Pay online or drop off a check at the RSAR Office.
At Renaissance, students develop skill with arts technique and media. They use those skills to create, interpret and represent ideas encountered throughout the curriculum. Different forms of representation expand students’ ability to think critically. Expressing learning through the arts deepens students’ knowledge, as they must examine ideas from many perspectives to make effective and meaningful statements. The arts play a critical role in students’ reflection and in the demonstration of their learning.