Volunteers are the lifeblood of Renaissance. Without the support of dedicated support from parents and other community volunteers, many of the great programs and activities simply would not happen.
Family Volunteer Contribution
Parent participation is an essential ingredient of the Renaissance School program. It is recommended that each Renaissance student's family contributes twenty-five (25) hours of volunteer service for the first student and an additional fifteen (15) hours of volunteer service for the second student attending during the same school year with the school or PTSA.
Volunteer options include, but are not limited to: copy services; yearbook; driving or chaperoning for field trips or dances; lunch supervision; attendance phone calling; production help; and PTSA committees. Parents may choose to share their talents in classes and organize activities occurring beyond the school day.
Volunteers must be approved by the School District. Please visit www.lwsd.org for information about our current volunteer process and requirements for in person volunteering. Volunteer hours are logged by the PTSA's Volunteer Coordinator (contact the PTSA or school office for more information). Families who feel they can’t fully contribute by volunteering time can contact the PTSA for other options.
Studies show that the more parents are involved in the school, the better students perform, so we appreciate parents jumping right in. Thank you!
Volunteer Opportunities
Did you know Volunteer work can help pad your resume? If you are in the job market and need to update your skills consider LWSD volunteer positions. Not only do you gain valuable experience that counts as work experience on your resume but some positions actually offer FREE training. You support your student, your school and you keep/grow your skills! Volunteer Today! Contact your PTSA Board for more information on volunteer positions.